Today I'm not posting any airplane photos.
This time is something different, some photos from the 8th round of the Intercontinental Rally Championship (IRC) at Madeira Island. Hope you like it.
Kris Meeke / Paul Nagle - Peugeot 207 S 2000

Ricardo Moura / António Costa - Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX

Daniel Rolim Oliveira / Carlo Del Barrio - Peugeot 207 s 2000

Burçu Centikaya / Cicek Guney - Peugeot 207 s 2000

Marco Tempestini / Dorin Pulpea - Peugeot 207 s 2000

João Silva / José Janela - Renault Clio R3

Miguel Nunes / Victor Calado - Peueot 207 S 2000

Ricardo Moura / António Costa - Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX

Pedro Peres / Tiago Ferreira - Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX

Aurélio Rodrigues vs Filipe Carvalho / Peugeot 206 Gti vs Peugeot 106 Gti

Dominique Bruyneel / Lara Vanneste - Peugeot 207 S 2000

Samir Sousa / Duarte Miranda - Renault Clio S 1600

Corrado Fontana Nicola Arena - Peugeot 207 S 2000

Duarte Ramos / Luís Ramos Peugeot 206 S 1600

Vitor Pascoal / Mário Castro - Peugeot 207 S 2000

João Silva / José Janela - Renault Clio R3

Dominique Bruyneel / Lara Vanneste - Peugeot 207 S 2000

Burcu Centikaya / Cicek Guney - Peugeot 207 s 2000

João Magalhães / Jorge Pereira - Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X

Corrado Fontana Nicola Arena - Peugeot 207 S 2000

Estão excelentes André :))