A few weeks as gone since the last time I updated the blog.
Well last Thursday was time to stop the break from the plane spotting, so I went till LIS / LPPT, not expecting to see anything new, at least for me. As I arrived to the usual spotting location, took my camera from the bag and started to photograph the usual TAP's and easyjet's. Then, apparently, from nowhere I see a VIM Airlines aircraft (RA-73010) taxing to runway 03 for departure, the first surprise of the day. The last time I photographed a Russian airplane was back in Apri 09 on a visit to Frankfurt airport.
Then a few hours later it arrives the other unexpected traffic of the day, the Cimber Sterling retro jet (OY-MRG). The Cimber was unexpected for me but the other guys that were at the airport, already knew that he was coming.
Now the photos.
RA-73010 / Boeing 757-230 / VIM Airlines

OY-MRG / Boeing 737-7L9 / Cimber Sterling